Dreaming Exhibition catalogue Books

Dreaming. Exhibition catalogue

Photographs, texts and afterword:
Krzysztof Ligęza
Year: 2023.
Languages: Polish & English.
Translation: Krzysztof Ligęza
Photographs: 62.
Pages: 64.
Size: 235 x 165 x 5mm.
ISBN: 978-83-950342-2-0.

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Dreaming is a poetic story about a married couple, whose life was affected by a tragic fate, heralded somehow by a mysterious dream. A man falls into a coma, as a result of an accident, and then into a state of unresponsive wakefulness for several decades. A woman takes up the challenge of lonely care. The story raises questions about the meaning of suffering, sacrifice, faith, hope and love in the background of the inevitable perspective of the finiteness of human existence. The native scenery of homeland plays an important role in the series as the “centre of the world” of the characters. Sequential, symbolic images of the landscape, including the beauty of nature’s metamorphosis, accent the passage of time and emphasize the metaphysical perspective of the story.

The catalogue was made as a part of scholarship programme of Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland.  
